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What is the normal value of a carbon dioxide detector?


A carbon dioxide detector is an instrument for monitoring carbon dioxide gas. Because of its widespread use, it is naturally integrated into all aspects of our lives. Carbon dioxide detectors have now been widely used in aquaculture, agricultural greenhouses, pharmaceuticals, municipal administration, sewage treatment and other fields, and have become an indispensable protective equipment in industrial safety production. So what is the normal value of a carbon dioxide detector?

When the carbon dioxide content in the air is normal, it is harmless to the human body, but it will affect the human respiratory system after exceeding a certain content. Acidosis will occur due to the increase in carbonic acid concentration and acid value in the blood. So, how much is normal? What is the concentration of carbon dioxide in indoor and natural environments?

In the natural environment, the normal content of carbon dioxide in the air is 0.04% (4004%) ppm), and sometimes reaches 5000ppm in large cities. When there is no one in the room, the concentration of carbon dioxide is generally around 500-700 PPM.

Carbon dioxide concentration standard: damage to the body at different concentration scales

The body is very sensitive to the increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the air. The body will feel it obviously for every 0.5% increase in carbon dioxide content. The following are the effects of different CO2 concentration scales on the body:

1. When the CO2 concentration reaches 1% (10,000 ppm), people will feel bored, inattentive and palpitations. If the CO2 concentration reaches 10,000 ppm in a closed bedroom, people usually have a bad night's rest. If the CO2 content in the office air reaches 10,000 ppm, the work efficiency of employees will decline.

2. When the CO2 concentration reaches 1500-20000PPM, you will feel asthma, headache and dizziness. When two people sleep in a closed bedroom for one night, the CO2 concentration can easily reach 20,000 ppm. When the CO2 concentration in the office air reaches 20,000-20,000PPM, employees will feel sleepy, inattentive and unfocused. After exceeding 20,000PPM, we don't even want to continue working, and our thinking ability is significantly reduced.

3. When the concentration exceeds 50,000PPM, the human body function is seriously disordered, resulting in human decompression and feeling.

Many large factories, especially those producing chemicals, need to pay more attention to the CO2 emissions in the factory. Carbon dioxide detectors can be used to measure the concentration of CO2 in the air. Once the concentration exceeds the alarm value set by the carbon dioxide detector, an alarm will be issued, prompting the relevant operators to take a series of measures to prevent tragedy.

The above is the normal value of the carbon dioxide detector for everyone to share here. In the scenes of life, the carbon dioxide detector is also very useful. For example, in our daily life environment, such as kindergartens, schools, office buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets, stations, hospitals and other public places, the monitoring of carbon dioxide concentration can improve the quality of the air, thereby improving learning and work efficiency.

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